
综述 | Geodesy Discipline: Progress and Perspective

JGGS 智绘科服 2022-07-16

Title l 题目

Geodesy Discipline: Progress and Perspective

Citation l 引文格式

Yibin YAO,Yuanxi YANG,Heping SUN,Jiancheng LI. Geodesy Discipline: Progress and Perspective[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2021, 4(4): 1-10.DOI: 10.11947/ j.JGGS.2021.0401.

Abstract l 摘要

The geodesy discipline has been evolving and constantly intersecting and merging with other disciplines in the last 50 years, due to the continuous progress of geodetic observation techniques and expansion of application fields. This paper first introduces the development and roles of geodesy and its formation. Secondly, the development status of geodesy discipline is analyzed from the progress of observation techniques and cross-discipline formation is analyzed from the expansion of application fields. Furthermore,the development trend of geodesy is stated from the perspective of national requirements and scientific developments. Finally, the sub-disciplines for geodesy are suggested at the present stage, based on the requirements of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and development status of geodesy itself, which can provide references for topic selection and fund application of geodetic scientific research.

Key Words l 关键词

geodesy discipline; progress of observation techniques; expansion of application fields; suggestions on sub-disciplines of geodesy

Authors l 作者

Yibin YAO,Yuanxi YANG,Heping SUN,Jiancheng LI.

Full Paper | 全文如下

本文选自JGGS 2021,Volume 4, Issue 4, P1-10。本期审图号(Map Approval Number):GS(2021)8125。点击阅读原文即可下载。

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